He is an activist critical of compulsory schooling and of what he characterizes as the hegemony nature of discourse on education and the education professions.
The two professions most interested in cultural health in this context are the medical profession and education profession.
The historic sin of the American Jewish education profession, he charged, was its indifference to its own history.
A Model Agriculture Education Classroom is housed in building 2 for application-based hands on learning dedicated to developing the skills of students preparing to enter agricultural education professions.
PWC had several administrators who proved their importance to Prince Edward Island's education profession:
Later he left the education profession and worked at and eventually managed the Farmer's Union Supply Company in Cherryville.
Qualifying as a teacher before he began his football career, once he retired he returned to the education profession.
Those who choose not to continue in the education profession will have had an experience that will ally them, like Ms. Spruce, with the career teachers.
The statistics also indicate that the organization does better than the education profession overall in recruiting minorities, who now make up 46 percent of all corps members.
After completing his formal education, Mr. Wegienka entered the education profession at Eurekadale School in 1941.