The Master Chorale provides education outreach to approximately 13,000 children each year.
Do we think of education outreach as just content - or as method too?
It is also home of the Future of Flight Foundation, a non-profit organization that owns the museum's collection and engages in worldwide education outreach.
It also involves education, outreach and technical skills training as well as workshops that teach about clean energy, and sustainable agriculture.
Many sponsor research and education outreach projects.
The Institute attempts to foster professional education, public outreach and scientific scholarship supportive of the transition to sustainability.
To this end, the Institute works to foster professional education, public outreach and scientific scholarship supportive of the transition to sustainability.
Their public programs include forums and conferences, economic education outreach, tours and a speakers' bureau.
In Suffolk County, a countywide education outreach and publicity campaign began this fall with a preliminary training program for county and state workers.
"And a real sense of the need for education, outreach and being part of the community."