But he also said the Bush Administration should not use choice alone to prod education improvements.
It also provides updates on, among other things, education improvement and employment/job training programs.
Then comes the task of making the candidates reveal how they would choose among health coverage, education improvements, Medicare reform and tax cuts.
Second, it is always debatable which education improvements and needs deserve financing.
He began a good government, reform movement that led to greater fiscal responsibility, economic development, public education improvements, environmental protection and civic engagement.
He also felt that education improvements were bypassing too many impoverished children, with consequences for the future of the country.
Other plans are designed to raise money to support education improvement statewide.
Mr. Alexander had won high marks for education improvements in his state.
He assisted greatly with the education improvement of thousands during his days as teacher and principal.
Among the hostile gatherings are a good number involving senior citizens, who, the Governor said, ask why they should support education improvements.