More of them than ever before, said Jean Henning, the education coordinator.
Marie Sparks, Theaterfest's education coordinator, said she anticipated a challenge in getting the two groups to work together.
"It's not been a flag that has caught our attention," said George Dowaliby, the state's special education coordinator.
Mr. Harrington, who is 40 years old and has served as assistant since 1984, joined the society as education coordinator in 1978.
"It's a market day," said Michael Grillo, the museum's education coordinator.
Also, under consideration is the designation of a statewide community outreach and education coordinator.
She has worked as assistant professor of art and design and as an education coordinator for Head Start.
He was later employed by Priority Children as an education coordinator until 2011.
"It's an interesting hunt, because we don't know what we're going to find," said Jon Young, the museum's public education coordinator.
He has also established a new cabinet position of education coordinator to help the city work with the schools.