In Denmark, 99% of students with specific learning difficulties like dyslexia are educated alongside students without any learning challenges.
She was educated alongside her sister, Princess Elizabeth, by their Scottish governess Marion Crawford.
They are the only way the current system allows for poor kids with bad records to be educated alongside a much larger group of middle class, aspiration filled, well disciplined kids.
William's children were educated alongside Maud's children.
She was also head of the Royal school at court where Anne was educated alongside her sister Catherine and other daughters of the nobility.
The lead female character, Nanette Morland, is educated alongside Catherine and is later re-acquainted with her when she becomes Queen.
She was educated alongside her six brothers in Latin and literature.
Matthias was educated alongside Josephus.
He was educated alongside the Crown Prince in a group that included Hephaestion, Ptolemy and Leonnatus.
Born and raised in Jerusalem, Josephus was educated alongside his brother.