Yale has been educating nurses since 1923, and since 1934 has admitted college graduates only.
Many schools offer the Nurse Educator track which focuses on educating nurses going into any type setting.
Through research, and to expand its leadership nationally and internationally, in the preparation of educating future nurses.
In 1878 she founded Vereeniging voor Ziekenverpleging, the first courses to educate professional nurses in the Netherlands.
Simultaneously, we educate tomorrow's physicians and nurses and other health care professionals, and we conduct research that will improve our capacity to make a difference in patients' lives.
Educating and recruiting new nurses is a formidable challenge, given the shortage of nursing faculty, but increasing the number of new nurses won't alone solve the problem.
The hospital serves to educate nurses and midwives.
Its operation was interrupted by World War II, after which, the School has resumed operations, educating nurses at the level of secondary vocational education.
In 1978 the Rebbe opened the Laniado nursing school to educate nurses in the "Jewish way" of caring for the infirm.
It's the only faculty in South Africa educating veterinarians and veterinary nurses.