Corporate Education refers to a system of professional development activities provided to educate employees.
Industry is spending $40 billion a year educating and training employees, much of it in remedial education.
And it requires the company to create a program to educate employees about working in a multi-cultural environment.
All these concerns are valid, yet you must educate employees well enough so they can see a bigger picture.
"We want to educate employees that good health is a life style; it's a way of life," she said.
The Bush administration says one way to reduce overconcentration would be to educate employees.
Or, have a tip to share about educating employees and customers about the new $100 note?
"I never heard an entrepreneur talking about educating employees; now that is all I hear."
It is essential to promote quality employment based on educating employees.
This is the perfect opportunity for employers to seize the day and educate employees to their policies.