There has been no effort to count eligible voters, let alone educate citizens about their rights and obligations.
Part of his job will be educating interest groups and ordinary citizens who are affected by certain mayoral initiatives.
Modern-day mosques in the Western world want to educate good citizens.
But why not then make similar efforts to educate nonhunting citizens, especially those who now find themselves living on the front lines with bears?
Other measures included steps to expand online government services and to educate citizens about fraud on the Internet.
Equally important, it can help educate citizens about changes in the health-care system already made or needed in the future.
Film is a form of art which can be used for educating or indoctrinating citizens.
He wished to use film to educate citizens in an understanding of democratic society.
What we're trying to do is educate citizens elsewhere around the country to what's going on in Washington.
But let's find a way to educate concerned citizens without beating up on other devoted activists.