There are five schools educating around 3,100 students in grades K-12.
The school structure was originally completed in Fall 1993 to educate around 1,500 students.
Their job was not only to make a point against the mainstream theater and society, but also to educate the Black audience around the country.
It was established in 1910 and educates around 870 pupils.
Educating around 625 students, it is a Christian religious school.
The district educates around 5,800 students and has in the region of 1,000 employees.
Jason lee has about 39 teachers educating around 500 students.
The college educates around 1,050 students, of whom 125 are in the sixth form.
What we're trying to do is educate citizens elsewhere around the country to what's going on in Washington.
There are seven schools in operation which educate around 3000 students.