While the writers' opinions are of great importance, the editorials also reflect the longtime core beliefs of the page.
Editor,- Catherine Pope's editorial on waiting times for outpatient appointments does not reflect the whole picture.
Whether the editorial reflects disagreement among senior leaders or Beijing simply got cold feet as it contemplated opening up township office to voters is unclear.
But the editorial did not reflect the official position of the association.
Cram was an acknowledged political analyst and his editorials reflected life not only in Davenport but in the state and nation as well.
Publisher P. S. Harrison's editorials strongly reflected his feelings against product placement in films.
Your editorial reflects American policy, but you should be challenging the United States to play its urgently needed role in peacemaking.
Gillespie's editorials reflected a very different political leaning than Cushing's but the paper continued to decline.
The editorial also reflected improved techniques to resuscitate and care for sick infants.
An editorial in the February 1926 issue of The Lincoln Forum reflected the outcome: