Your editorial refers to Guatemala's "long conflict between its army and leftist guerrillas, which has killed more than 100,000 people."
In the latter, an editorial referred to the 1823 vision and praised "the glorious ministry and message of the angel Nephi" .
A few of the comments have mentioned the role of the corporate media in all this, but the editorial doesn't refer to it.
An editorial in one newspaper referred to the Modern Whig Party as the "fastest-growing mainstream political movement in the nation."
Your editorial refers to "one small, vocal group of protesters" and "a handful of angry family members."
Thus, the standard of probity expected of national leaders, to which your editorial refers, admits of no qualification or compromise.
What the hell is wrong with the BBC, why don't they ever show the Ken Russell gems this editorial refers to?
The editorial refers to the "legitimate American military purpose in northern Iraq" to "protect Kurdish civilians from Saddam Hussein's forces."
Also, your editorial refers to Taiwan as a "country."
(Note: the portion of the law to which this editorial refers has been repealed as of 2008.)