The present editor is released, but claims that the police tortured him by placing plastic bags over his head.
In 1903, the editor claimed that the protocols revealed the menace of Zionism:
The editor of the magazine, Mansour Dieng, claimed that he subsequently received death threats.
Subsequently, the editor of Reader's Digest claimed not to remember the promise, and the article was never published.
The editors claimed at the time that their sacking was more a result of their poor relationship with the university's student executive council than anything else.
By the summer the editors claimed they were selling "nearly 2000 of these Papers weekly".
My editor claims that for me, a short story means fifty thousand words.
The editor in question claims that more extensive review must have taken place, but the records were destroyed during an office move.
The editors claim that the book is the world's first confessional by rock stars on their sexual adventures.
Calculating the advance accurately would be a prized skill, but no editors claim to have a scientific handle on how a book will sell.