Newsweek's two top editors, or other senior editors they designate, must approve stories with unidentified sources.
Where an appointment is made without an open recruitment, the editor in chief or chief operating officer must approve an appointment before an offer is made.
When the story is complete editor 'A' approves it and MIGHT make it to press.
(Though how rigid remains unclear: which editor approved this weekend's "You are on the Obama campaign trail along with the rest of the liberal media"?)
Zach added the sequence of characters that meant an editor had approved his copy.
After the editor and director approved of the final edit of the workprint, the same edits were made to the negative.
The editors approve, but warn that strong safeguards will be needed to prevent patients' privacy from being invaded.
Your editors actually approved of that title?
The editor could approve the post, and also respond to the post.
On most NI papers - except at the News of the World - managing editors must approve payments.