The new edition reproduced entire paragraphs and pictures from the earlier editions.
Subsequent editions of the Challoner revision, of which there have been very many, reproduce his Old Testament of 1750 with very few changes.
The 4th edition of Beedham's Wood Engraving (1935) reproduces Autumn Rain.
The 2006 edition reproduces over 150 contemporary Australian watercolour works, as well as forty historical ones, and includes essays that document Australia's watercolouring history.
The new edition reproduces the original text in facsimile alongside Walter Crane's gorgeous Arts and Crafts-style illustrations.
The 1910 edition by Alexander Souter reproduces Palmer's text.
This edition reproduces the manuscript original.
Most modern editions either do not reproduce all the illustrations, or reproduce them so badly that much detail is lost.
The American editions, of which seven were issued between 1824 and 1853, do not reproduce the whole work.
The facsimile edition reproduces a natural colour of the manuscript (parchment, ink, pictures, and holes created by insects).