Porter edited several editions of Webster's Dictionary, and wrote on education.
In addition to the articles listed below, he contributed very largely to the fifth edition of Grove's Dictionary of Music.
The company also published a reprint of the 1847 edition of Webster's Dictionary, which was out of copyright.
N.b. material in this article is taken from the public domain 1828 edition of Lempriere's Dictionary.
Two years later he issued proposals for a revised edition of Johnson's Dictionary, but subscribers were lacking and his 200 vols.
This first edition of Ozhegov's Dictionary contained about 57,000 words.
It was listed in the 5th edition (1954) of Grove's Dictionary, as Op.
That encyclopedia made a radical break from the tradition of the five previous editions of Grove's Dictionary.
That particular theory was given credence by early editions of Webster's Dictionary, which supported it.
The first edition of Stedman's Medical Dictionary was published in 1911.