It is necessary to make these comparisons, in order to define the position which this edition claims to hold with regard to its predecessors.
The first edition of the Apostolic Faith publication claimed a common reaction to the revival from visitors:
This edition claims to have streamlined the 1846 translation by removing some repetitions and redundancies in Dumas' original text.
The edition of 1695 claimed to include: all the post roads with their several branches and distances.
The Greek edition claims to be the first available in bookstores since the 1810s.
Later editions of Jane's Infantry Weapons claimed a theoretical cyclic rate of up to 6,000 rpm.
The 1981 edition of Guinness claimed that Miller had been undefeated in eating contests since 1931, resulting in a fifty-year winning streak.
The team of German scholars who produced that edition claimed it corrected some 5,000 omissions, transpositions and other errors included in previous editions.
The first edition claimed that it was established in 1863, but official college records state that the publication was founded in 1978.
Both editions claim "over 220,000 headwords".