The game also has an editing mode where the player can splice together taped footage and insert sound effects.
The audio editing mode is where individual clips can be edited.
Administrators can use either the admin back-end of the CMS, or the front-end of the site in one of several editing modes.
The translator then edits the resultant file, either by hand or with a translation tool like Poedit, or Emacs with its editing mode for files.
Unlike an xterm window, an MPW worksheet is always in visual editing mode and can be freely reorganized by its user.
To make it into an editor, we need to turn on the editing mode.
The game was also more customisable than before with new editing modes as Create-A-Match and Create-A-Gimmick.
The editing mode functions as a system that can be placed from a list of objects ranging from houses and other garden accessories to anything customizable for the town.
EDITOR: After you have taken some photos, click on a picture to enter the editing mode.
It also changed the way several editing modes are accessed, by introducing the multi-purpose "selection tool" described above.