Alain Locke included the essay in his edited collection The New Negro.
He has written a politics text book for Longman, 'Europe, the State and Globalisation', as well as chapters in edited collections.
Additionally, he has authored 47 professional articles, written 17 chapters in professional edited collections, several peer book reviews, 15 trade publications and over 100 presentations & symposia.
The research also led to an international edited collection on 'Reality Television and Class' (also with Helen Wood) published by BFI/Palgrave.
Chapters in edited collections (selected)
Brabazon explored the consequences of the online 'revolution' on social change through her edited collection, Digital Dialogues and Community 2.0: After Avatars Trolls and Puppets (2012).
In 2011, two edited collections of his essays were published, co-edited by Patrick J. Deneen and his daughter, Susan J. McWilliams.
His other publications include several dozen articles and several edited collections.
Godwin wrote on slums and republished edited collections of his articles as reforming books.
The Society also issues a Newsletter three times a year,and has published edited collections based on the papers given at several of its conferences.