The developer can thus edit their part without the risk of a code generator overwriting that code at some later time.
Now, the typical home personal computer can hold several hours of standard-definition video, and is fast enough to edit footage without additional upgrades.
The first edition of the original was published in 1557, edited, without notes or preface, by Jac.
One can easily reverse the cipher function by applying it a second time, and edit the variables to one's liking, without the "wizard" password.
Users can create a storyline and edit a video without the need to download or install video editing software.
It contained the four episodes of the first series edited together into one programme without the musical guest performances.
Tooth and Nail edited two tracks on the album without the band's permission.
I can't seem to edit a spreadsheet in Excel without constant beach balls.
Did Ms. Daum really never edit a book without the author's knowledge?
Editors at the Web sites receiving material from partner newsrooms, however, cannot edit the material without consultation.