There was a small edible garden in the cornfield, and the site was used for film screenings and drum circles.
The summer of 2008 was the first time since 1943 that an edible garden found itself in the shadow of City Hall.
We are, I'm convinced, only a year or two away from an edible garden winning Best in Show at Chelsea.
Some villagers are edible garden and alternative energy enthusiasts.
A typical complete fertilizer used in edible gardens is 10-10-10.
In May 2009, Shriver planted the first edible garden at a state capitol in what once was a flower bed.
They are marketed as coming from Wonka's edible garden.
Although flower gardening remains popular, more and more growers of edible gardens have thrown in their trowels.
But anyone with a terrace can grow an edible garden in containers.
The focus is more on ornamental plants and home landscaping rather than edible gardens.