Batman's costume was redesigned along the lines of a more "MTV organic, and edgier feel" to the suit.
Also, Hang Loose had more of an edgier feel, with Clive Gilling's guitar work more prominent than previous releases.
The path that brought them to "Fargo" has been anything but straight; though all their films have an edgy feel, no two have been quite alike.
We were very worried about making her likable and letting her have a looser, edgier feel.
The album has a "strong, edgy feel", but is also "intimate and vulnerable and delicate".
Mr. Chung's subject is racial misunderstanding and economic inequality, which he represents by giving to the image an edgy, uneasy and vertiginous feel.
We've gone for a younger-generation, edgy feel, with graphics from American hot rods and fighter aircraft.
The album is notable for the raw, edgy feel, which is said to sound like its being played live, and not been edited.
The club features a series of contemporary paintings that add a provocative and edgy feel.
Scott Seigel re-designed the original look of the stage to accommodate the New Variety's edgier feel.