But with the new ecumenical spirit, the Baptist evangelist now presents an opportunity, not a threat.
The only phyle that didn't seem to appreciate the ecumenical spirit of the place was the Celestial Kingdom itself.
The ecumenical spirit and composition of the group was a key element in the success of the participants coming to grips with the topic.
He had an ecumenical spirit long before the ecumenical movement began.
Both shared a distrust of doctrinal ideas, a stress on morality and ethics, an ecumenical spirit.
What may, in the future, seem far more significant about this period is the new ecumenical spirit, the offspring of the Second Vatican Council.
Today, of all days, that ecumenical spirit is being played out in living rooms across New Jersey.
The ecumenical Andalusian spirit was even invoked at this summer's opening ceremony for the new mosque.
There was a great ecumenical spirit which came down through the generations.
Recent decades have seen a renewal of ecumenical spirit and dialogue between the Churches.