Lindbeck first gained attention as a medievalist and as a participant in ecumenical discussions in academia and the church.
Although Zoghby's proposal of double communion has not been accepted by Rome or the Orthodox Church, the initiative focused greater attention on ecumenical discussions and renewed efforts for East-West unity.
The community also receives guests and leads ecumenical discussions.
This thirteenth-century debate has considerable relevance for current-day ecumenical discussions between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church.
Huber continuously engages in ecumenical and inter-religious discussions.
It is not clear what effect it will have on ecumenical discussions, in which Catholic teachings on the Virgin have sometimes been a point of dispute.
The various papers and declarations of successive Lambeth Conferences, have served to frame the continued Anglican debate on identity, especially as relating to the possibility of ecumenical discussion with other churches.
But the Russian Orthodox Church has rejected any ecumenical discussions with the Vatican.
He initiated the ecumenical discussions which eventually resulted in the building of the Church of Christ the Cornerstone in Milton Keynes.
Until this very day this group furthers the ecumenical discussion between Catholics and Lutherans.