She had no ideas of conversion since she previously spent six months in an ecumenical Christian community in the South of France.
The Network promotes the ICC by disseminating information about the Court to respective religious, ecumenical, and ethical communities.
Benedictine Women of Madison is an ecumenical community of religious women who follow the Benedictine monastic tradition.
The Reichenberg Fellowship is a German non-denominational ecumenical community.
This ecumenical Christian community continues to use the site to this day.
The ecumenical community of 300 adults and children, as well as 500 nonresident members, includes among its residents 12 members of the clergy from five denominations.
The Word of God is an ecumenical, charismatic, missionary Christian community in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
The River Ridge campus was founded in 1987 by the People of Praise, an ecumenical Christian community.
Consequent to its Catholic identity, the Prep seeks to foster an ecumenical and diverse community, faithful to a Judeo-Christian heritage.
Critics of the move said it would diminish the 32-year-old denomination's role in the ecumenical community, which is largely based in New York.