It is an ingenious paradox, found also in old ecstatic dances.
By the end, emotions were chillingly and impressively escalated into an ecstatic dance.
Less of an ecstatic dance than "Shira," it has a more brilliant and sharper thrust.
Meia, still thinking they're helping the Jillucians, is ecstatic as she dances around the room.
The entry of repetitive percussion sweeps him into a quietly ecstatic dance: a tour de force performance.
For a moment, the Kaer'n ceased their ecstatic dance.
It was a sheer delight to watch the mostly bizarrely shaped fish perform their ecstatic dances.
But the ecstatic dance toward the end matches the exultation of the score.
"Has this child been stabbed or is he in the throes of an ecstatic dance?"
The effect was such that the entire mountainside around him appeared to be on the verge of swirling away in an ecstatic dance.