Today, tourism is an important part of the area's economy, attracting both those interested in history and those interested in ecotourism activities.
Where the ecotourism activity involves wildlife viewing, it can scare away animals, disrupt their feeding and nesting sites, or acclimate them to the presence of people.
Moreover, the elaboration of a code of conduct for ecotourism activities aims to harmonize tourism strategy with sustaining the biodiversity and the cultural authenticity of area.
While not well developed, the area is suitable for ecotourism activities such as mountain biking, horseback riding, camping and other activities.
Turtle-based ecotourism activities take place on nesting beaches around the world.
The area includes ecotourism activities, camping and fishing in an area filled with dense vegetations and heated water sources.
The interior of the PA is a complex pristine mountain wilderness, inhabited by a diversified wildlife, including several endangered species, and representing enormous attractions for ecotourism activities.
The organization manages one of 55 projects in Trinidad as part of this program, which involves reforestation and the development of ecotourism activities that have a low impact on the environment.
They also offer a number of ecotourism activities such as mountain climbing, rafting, rappelling and mountain biking.
Others find themselves drawn to the pre-Hispanic Maya ruins, an ample offering of ecotourism activities and an abundance of natural wonders.