Local people rioted against the taxes, the economy tumbled when Weihai was robbed of its duty-free status, and tourism plummeted.
But even if the stock market is more vulnerable than is generally recognized, a drop would not necessarily imply that the economy will tumble back into recession.
The Indian professionals have mostly fled the country when its economy tumbled following lawlessness that has been prevalent over the last few years.
These economies would tumble, with fatal repercussions on democratic movements.
This became painfully apparent during the first six months of 1987 as the Brazilian economy tumbled anew into crisis.
When the economy tumbled, so did the restaurant's ambitions.
Japan's Woes Continue Japan, whose economy has been sluggish throughout the 1990's, was still standing as Asian economies tumbled around it.
Housing prices, which soared in the expansion of the 1990's, have not gone down, even though the economy has tumbled.
In recent weeks, as Brazil's economy tumbled back into hyperinflation and balance of payments problems, there were reports that he would soon be replaced.
The economy, after a resurgence in the mid-eighties, had tumbled out of control.