However, a bad economy, coupled with losses in advertising resulted in the paper's closing just three months later.
Even more important, the strong economy resulted in a deficit of only $107 billion in the fiscal year that ended last Sept. 30.
Weak and collapsing economies always result from having too much money at the top of the tree.
But China's booming economy has also resulted in short supplies of some building materials, including steel.
Since independence, Singapore's growing population and economy have resulted in a large increase in solid waste.
Over the next five centuries the economy would at first grow and then suffer an acute crisis, resulting in significant political and economic change.
This whole economy of Polish elites resulted in bankruptcies and poverty.
But in recent years, government cutbacks and a booming economy have resulted in an increased need for legal services.
Although restaurants are closing down all over the country, the new economy hasn't resulted in a marked decrease in the price of food.
The city's shrinking economy has resulted in a loss of more than 100,000 jobs since 1987.