Energy prices here skyrocketed and our economy plunged into the toilet.
Without pump-priming measures, the economy might plunge into a negative spiral.
Some have bought or leased space in bankrupt office towers that were completed just as the city's economy plunged into recession.
Russia's economy plunged into deep recession after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Yet the flurry left behind sparkling new buildings with no one to fill them as the economy plunged.
A higher percentage of those 55 to 64 years old hold jobs today than when the economy plunged into hard times in early 2001.
Japan's economy almost immediately plunged into recession as consumer spending dried up.
The economy plunged into a recession, which led to swift removal of the controls.
In the fall of 1998, he was far from alone in worrying that the global economy might plunge into a depression.
Yet even he was taken by surprise when a gradually recovering economy performed a U-turn in 1937 and plunged back into depression.