The latest figures mean the economy has generated an astonishing two million jobs in the last six months.
In other words, the Government will owe more money than the economy generates.
Since 1975, our economy has generated nearly two million new jobs per year.
Lithuania's economy does not generate nearly enough hard currency to buy the oil it needs on the world market.
During the eight years of the Clinton administration, the economy generated an average of 240,000 jobs a month.
China's growing economy is also generating a surge in business travel.
The economy generates $10 trillion a year in new goods and services.
While some such jobs are moving overseas, the American economy will generate many more at home.
One big question mark for the program's success is whether the economy will generate jobs to snap up the unemployed.
And the population has long been too large for the jobs its economy generated, which is one reason the city was so poor.