Retail sales rose 4.9 percent in January as a brisk economy fueled spending on clothing, home furnishings and appliances.
The slumping economy and the financial wreckage of the last decade are fueling the demand for such services.
The wobbly economy is fueling the growth, Mr. Washum said.
The economy is fueling upscale shopping.
A buoyant economy fueled job growth and residential construction, which the mayor encouraged, but few initiatives consumed Mr. Giuliani's attention.
Commerce and the voraciously exploitive economy of Rome fueled a lusty culture of acquisition.
A booming economy is fueling much of the growth.
For 10 years the sluggish European economy has fueled a major move to find work abroad.
In the 1970s and 1980s, a healthy local economy fueled by foreign investment spurred recognition and conservation of the city's cultural heritage.
A robust economy is also fueling the trend, furriers say.