The city's economy, originally based on agriculture and trade, has diversified into the service sector in recent decades.
However, from the early 2000s, the overall economy of the area has diversified to include health care, transportation and telecommunications.
While industry still plays a major role in the city, the economy has diversified a great deal in the last decade.
Wisconsin's economy also diversified during the early years of statehood.
"But since the early 1970's, the Island's economy has diversified and moved heavily into the service sector."
Today, the economy has greatly diversified, particular with growth in the computer field.
The economy diversified during the later half of the twentieth century.
However, since the decline of mining in the 1950s and 1960s, the economy has diversified.
The economy diversified with the emergence of recreation in the 1920s.
Our economy, which in past decades went through some major trauma, has diversified to the point where we've got a nice mix.