Meanwhile, as the economy disintegrates, Travelers is facing an increase in fraudulent claims on both health and property-casualty insurance.
The global economy effectively disintegrated with the onset of the Great Depression and, after that, with an even bigger world war.
Sierra Leone's economy gradually disintegrated under Momoh's rule, and the country's currency decreased in value.
But as Zaire's economy disintegrated over the decades, people had less money to pay the entrance fees.
But the economy has disintegrated further since the coup.
The explanation given is that otherwise the dictatorships' economies would disintegrate, bringing revolution.
Western government guarantees might end up costing a lot more than $400 million a year if the Soviet economy disintegrates and the Kremlin stops paying its bills.
Manchuria was placed under martial law again, while its economy disintegrated under the burden of the insatiable war machine.
In the words of the Vice-President of Croatia, the economy is disintegrating.
According to Goerdeler's analysis's, provided Hitler was deterred from war, his regime would collapse on its own accord when the German economy disintegrated.