Some economists refer only to the period when economic activity is declining.
Economists refer to the 'crowding out effect' to explain this economic situation.
It is a problem economists typically refer to as "selection bias."
Economists often refer to this as the "take-back effect" of the Bush tax cuts.
In either case, economists refer to this as market failure because resources will be allocated inefficiently.
Economists refer to the "winner's curse," which comes free with whatever you happen to acquire at an auction.
Economists refer to these cyclical movements about the trend as business cycles.
Economists who believe this to be the case refer to this as a monopoly wage.
Moreover, the third quarter is the longest of the year, enabling the economy to benefit from what economists refer to as the "calendar effect."
The idea underlying the construction of a high-speed network is based on what economists refer to as the "turnpike factor."