Some economists have proposed that the economic growth during the early 2000s jobless recovery is a result of this phenomenon.
Biologists and economists have proposed, however, that signals with inherent costs can credibly signal information when there are conflicts of interest.
Congress's chief economist proposed today that to head off insolvency, the Federal bank insurance program borrow from the Treasury and pay taxpayers back later.
At least one major economist has proposed that the fear of youth can have grave effects on the economic health of nations.
In modern times, various economists within the georgism movement propose measures like the land value tax to enhance access by all to the natural world.
The economist examines the nature of development and proposes ways in which the richest countries can help the poorest.
Over the past few years, numerous economists, corporate executives, and social thought leaders have proposed their own ideas for how to change capitalism.
Sociologists, economists, and politicians have proposed several theories about the causes of gender wage gap.
A fair test would compare private accounts to a trust fund that would, as many economists propose, invest in corporate stocks and bonds.
Some economists propose that the government tax these liabilities to reduce such excessive risk-taking.