This enables economists and others to compare the industrial statistics produced in each of the three different nations' labor forces.
In retrospect economists can compare alternatives and predict which behaviors were more conducive for survival even though such knowledge was unavailable to contemporaneous firms.
A determined economist could tote up the losses associated with filling in the wetland and compare them to the benefits of the shopping mall that would replace it.
Many economists here compare entry to Deng Xiaoping's landmark opening of the economy to market forces and foreign influence in the late 1970's.
To calculate how much of a payback college graduates can expect, economists compare how much they earn with the wages of workers who do not go to college.
Some economists compare financial markets to organisms.
Because the survey interviewed the same people in 1987-88 and 1992-94, the economists can compare how the same people responded over time.
In using the test, the two economists compared each year's productivity with inflation in four previous periods and found a strong correlation.
Some economists almost apologetically compare AIDS in Africa to the 14th century's Black Death.
In their paper, the economists compared two ways of looking at the price of land.