Some economists do not accept the assumption that the country needs more risk-taking entrepreneurs, most of whom, after all, wind up failing and wasting resources.
Many economists accept this process as a key cause of some postwar recessions.
Many economists now accept the uncomfortable answer: Generators deliberately withheld electricity from the market in order to drive high prices even higher.
Not all economists have accepted this new heterodoxy.
Most economists and policy makers now accept Ricardo's argument, although the popular debate over the merits of free trade continues.
By the 1950s, most economists had accepted the synthesis view of the macro economy.
Most professional economists accept that the Balassa-Samuelson effect model has some merit.
Professor Lieberson offers an explanation even an economist can accept.
Because it implied that greedy capitalists were leaving cash on the table, most economists couldn't accept it.
Most economists, including the authors of this work, accept the need for intellectual property protection.