Marshall took a broad approach to social science in which economics plays an important but limited role.
Trends, nutritional values and economics have all played roles in shaping each program.
Still, he said economics could still play a role in a somewhat different way.
Q. For companies that say they cannot afford the best pollution control, should economics play a role in environmental issues?
And economics clearly plays a significant role even for many students who might be able to afford other schools.
While concern for driver health is certainly a force behind the wellness initiatives, economics also plays a role.
Egotism, politics, elitism, racism and economics all played a part in their makeup.
Researchers are uncertain why black women marry at lower rates, but economics may play a role.
When a tunnel is in the process of being constructed, economics and politics play a large factor in the decision making process.
Demographics, economics, cultural values and the eligibility rules, which vary in every state, all play a role.