Thousands of acres of economically valuable forest were also damaged during the period.
This has lead Filipino government officials to note that remittances sent home may be seen as more economically valuable than pursuit of local work.
This trash includes economically valuable items like aluminum cans, newspapers and glass.
They also said it may prove technically difficult to build economically valuable properties that fall within sunlight access requirements.
The owners of large industrial buildings generally do not consider landmark designation economically valuable.
Despite losing its prominence as an important town, the port itself continued to remain extremely active and economically valuable.
The association hopes to persuade the task force that the industry is economically valuable and does not promote crime.
The features found suggest that the stirrup jar could have been economically valuable.
The large trees in old growth forests are economically valuable, and have been subjected to aggressive logging around the world.
Most of the forest areas are not economically valuable.