Because the parkway was supposed to be economically self-sustaining, he says, "they wanted a foolproof way of collecting every toll they possibly could."
By 1977 it had become economically self-sustaining which encouraged Rene to incorporate Baobab Farm.
Most collectives are economically self-sustaining, with members pooling individual resources to pay the rent or working together to generate marketable services or products.
As the park needs to be self-sustaining economically, there are a number of ways that the park raises money.
This board would be charged with responding to local concerns and making the park economically self-sustaining.
One question that has yet to be answered is just how self-sustaining economically some of the enterprises at New Urbanism communities can be.
It is to be completed in 2012 and will be economically self-sustaining.
"We can't let the technological gap go on, but you have to devise a way to make it economically self-sustaining," Mr. Valdes added.
UNICOR is economically self-sustaining and receives no government funding.
The project is economically self-sustaining and is able to employ three full-time employees.