Economically fragile and technologically backward, it hangs on, but how?
Much of the money, he said, came from a purse that would have gone to schools in this economically fragile community.
More to the point, he said the publicity would attract tourists to Stralsund, a charming but economically fragile town of 58,000.
When Stalin died in March 1953, the USSR was militarily strong, but economically fragile.
The economically fragile world of cabaret has always needed all the help it can get.
Economically fragile, the lead mines usually survived as a result of being subsidised by silver production.
Her agency's insistence on repatriation has sometimes been criticized when people are encouraged to return to politically and economically fragile countries.
It's an economically fragile world whose demise is predicted year after year yet never comes.
However, the possibility remains open - unsurprisingly - of emissions trading, which especially affects the more economically fragile countries that do not have the money to buy emissions rights.
It is economically fragile because the global financial crisis and the devastating floods in the country have set back its development by several years.