Besides, GT 182 is known for low fuel consumption at economical speed compared to its competitors.
At economical speed of 16 knots, they have a range of 1,600 nautical miles.
They have an endurance of 6500 nautical miles at economical speed and can stay at sea for 20 days.
The captain had sufficient bunker fuel to get his ship to Brisbane at her most economical speed, but no further.
IN additions Chs6 locos had only two economical speeds 2 which made their speed range, yet limited.
The command staff had determined that this was the most economical speed for the voyage to occupied France.
She got drunk with economical speed and had other advantages.
After the few weeks at economical speed our fuel supply of 120 tons and more of diesel oil had not been much reduced.
Get back down to most economical loiter speed.
For insects such as locusts, which migrate over vast distances, it is even more important to fly at an economical speed.