In the 19th and 20th centuries science in Spain was held back by severe political instability and consequent economic underdevelopment.
We must attack the root causes of the war, specifically economic underdevelopment and gross social injustice.
If you want to deal with the huge challenge of climate change in the round, there is an intimate link between environmental degradation and economic underdevelopment.
The believed that overpopulation was the primary cause of environmental degradation, economic underdevelopment and political instability.
That is why I consider these three stories as emotions of economic underdevelopment.
He was a strong advocate of automation to improve the standard of living, and to end economic underdevelopment.
It has faced resistance based in part on its economic underdevelopment and its human rights record.
There is serious and flagrant discrimination and economic underdevelopment in the areas of the country where the majority of the Tamil population lives.
Tracing Russia's relative economic underdevelopment and its authoritarian social and political institutions to the cost of maintaining a huge military establishment is scarcely new.
The Third World faces the twin problems of rapid population growth and economic underdevelopment.