Article 185 of the draft constitution states: "It is permitted to conclude good neighbouring, economic, commercial, financial, cultural and armistice treaties."
The proposed economic treaty would pledge its signers to common banking, currency, customs and trade systems to be spelled out in subsequent negotiations.
The Ukraine and other republics have been protective of their rights in casting doubt on the economic treaty.
David Cameron was quite right to reject an economic treaty wasn't even written yet, much less scrutinised.
He also played a role in negotiating political and economic treaties with France and other countries.
That this was an economic as well as environmental treaty was evident at every turn.
Both sides insisted that no practical steps could be taken until the Soviet republics agreed on an economic treaty defining their relationship to the central authorities.
Hence they are also said to have concierto económico, an "economic treaty".
The new government immediately signed economic and military treaties with Japan.
The EU consists of independent countries that have signed an economic treaty.