But the Northeast's economic travails have raised the stakes.
Disillusioned by the economic travails of the 70's, voters bought "voodoo economics."
Some Europeans suspect that America's economic travails will soon persuade the United States Congress that a new division of responsibilities makes good financial sense.
If both sides fulfill an agreement to make the necessary sacrifices, they offer the way out of economic travail.
Europe's economic travails made him think of species extinction.
Let us be clear about the causes of our present economic travail and where the blame lies.
For all its recent economic travails and natural disasters, this vast state has the kind of raw political power few have wielded in the long history of the Republic.
Comparisons between today's economic travails and the crisis of the 1930s are misplaced because totalitarianism was then the wave of the future.
According to Robert Beauchamp, the fashion director of Esquire magazine, the forces of our nation's economic travails are impinging on the tie industry.
In Asia, part of the company's Middle and Far East Group, sales appeared strong in some places despite economic travails in the region.