Japan remains a reluctant power, unsure of its place, fearful of speaking out too loudly, deeply averse to ideology and committed to economic pragmatism.
The latest dispute pits two forces that run powerfully through the region - economic pragmatism and environmentalism.
The outcome of that 1989 power struggle, a model that uneasily joins freewheeling economic pragmatism to Soviet-style political dictatorship, has been official orthodoxy ever since.
How can a democracy function properly when most of the electorate suspend thinking for "common sense" and narrow economic pragmatism?
His solution: an economic pragmatism, mixed with patriotism, sacrifice and responsibility, intended to recapture America's manufacturing pre-eminence.
On the unofficial side, the celebration of promise is also a celebration of political and economic pragmatism.
We concluded that the most important thing to do was simply to get politics out of Government decision making and inject economic pragmatism into it.
BUT Mr. Durst does have a massive dose of economic pragmatism.
In the new world order, George Bush has abandoned the crude anti-communism of the Reagan period for a foreign policy built on economic pragmatism.
In recent weeks he's also tried to expand his image beyond just economic pragmatism.