Still, the language of economic populism is strikingly similar across a century.
Democratic strategists want to respond to the new economic populism that helped elect many of the freshmen.
And Democrats have long contended that those voters should be the natural constituency for their party's brand of economic populism.
We want our Democratic candidates to embrace the economic populism of the working class.
That economic populism extends, for many candidates, to a new emphasis on expanding health coverage.
Why is it that economic populism apparently doesn't work, even if cultural populism does?
Like many Southern races in recent years, it may well turn on who captures the right mix of "family values" and economic populism.
On issues, though, Mr. Jackson remained the point man for a kind of economic populism.
Conservatives try economic populism to appeal to blue collar workers forced to join labor unions.
"It will be hard for the new Government to avoid economic populism."