Their economic modeling was able to estimate the price tag for human kidneys ($15,000) and human livers ($32,000).
They also work to further trade capacity building in developing countries, especially in the areas of trade policy analysis and economic modeling.
Methods include economic modeling, statistics, econometrics, mathematical programming.
He's our best man for economic modeling, even whacked out with jet lag.
Candidates are taught the use of financial and economic modeling to better apply economic theories.
He has published more than 200 scholarly articles and several books and is internationally known for his contribution to global economic modeling.
However, critics questioned the findings on the basis that they were arrived at using an extremely low discount rate of 1.4% used in economic modeling.
And I asked him, 'You didn't do any economic modeling?'
The company said it had a rigorous internal system to evaluate its economic modeling.
In economic modeling, model outcomes depend heavily on the nature of risk.