Yes, he's an economic libertarian but elections are always about the least bad candidate.
But we forget that they were successful because they were able to find common ground with economic libertarians, who traditionally dominated the party.
Moral regulators joined economic libertarians to argue that government - that is, the big-spending plans of liberal elites - should be lifted off of people's backs.
And you should bare in mind that the GOP is not really a party for economic libertarians in any real sense, but a self-avowedly conservative party.
Nelson is an economic libertarian and a supporter of the Conservative Party and traditional conservative policies.
International competition authorities forbid cartels, but the effectiveness of cartel regulation and antitrust law in general is disputed by economic libertarians.
And Republicans don't want to admit that cutting taxes will lead more married women to get jobs, lest they split economic libertarians and social conservatives.
Within the free-market right, Kemp has been outflanked by Pete du Pont, who is an even more ardent economic libertarian.
They're possibly slightly economic libertarians, but nearly the antithesis of civil / social libertarians.
Some economic libertarians have criticised competition law in its entirety, challenging the legitimacy of action against price fixing and cartels.