During the American regime, many reforms were introduced, including social, economic, and political innovations.
At the same time there is broad agreement that economic innovations will cost jobs in certain parts of the manufacturing and service industries.
No one will attempt to push the real large scale economic and technological innovations that are needed to replace the fossil fuel infrastructure.
Progressives believe in using economic innovation that history or science has demonstrated works best.
Ban said that political and business leaders need to embrace economic innovation in order to save the planet.
Big initiatives for economic innovation are coming from this initiative.
Officials often measure economic innovation by the number of patents, but these can harm investment by limiting competition.
There is no European victory or civilisation that is of importance on a world scale without economic innovation.
The cultural and creative industries are currently also important drivers of economic and social innovation in many other sectors.
There is little economic or scientific innovation - and this is where we ought to seize the opportunity with both hands.